Customer experiences

Use case
BNPL: Creating a compelling offering for consumers and businesses
Recognising the evolving landscape of financial services and the growing demand for flexibility and convenience, one of Myanmar’s largest private banks embarked on a project to introduce innovative buy now pay later (BNPL) products.
Use case
MobiCash Payments: Entering the acquiring space in an overcrowded market
One of the largest financial institutions in the Middle East had a long-term business strategy to move into the acquiring market. However, as the market was already saturated, it knew it needed to launch something truly different to be able to compete. Recognising the untapped potential in mobile payments in Jordan, the bank chose to focus on creating a value proposition that utilised the high mobile penetration rate in the country to appeal to all market players, from small businesses to large enterprises.
Success story
KCB Bank Kenya: Transforming retail banking operations to future-proof its business
KCB Bank embarked on a major strategic transformation project to overhaul and replace its entire retail banking system. KCB’s objective was to replace the three separate solutions for POS, CMS and ATM management from different vendors and launch an in-house processing centre, running on one fully integrated platform enabling the bank to manage its payments business across the region.
Case study
Moneybase: Becoming Malta's first digital platform for payments and investments
Moneybase turned to Compass Plus Technologies to enhance its payments offering and launch a Mastercard issuing solution – this coincided with the development of the Moneybase app – to allow customers to manage their finances and have full control over their cards all in one place.
Case study
Interswitch: Driving business expansion across Africa
In order to turn ambitious growth plans into a reality, Interswitch identified the need to replace its two separate card management systems with one in-house payments platform.
Case study
Klarna Group: Implementing a flexible system to future-proof business and aid global expansion
Klarna required a flexible and customisable third-party solution to replace its in-house platform that would enable easy system development, the ability to create new products quickly and grow the business on a global scale.
Success story
Network International: Staying ahead of the market with an advanced processing system
When Network International’s existing processing system became a bottleneck in the company’s development, its management and shareholders decided that it was time to replace the existing platform in order to stay competitive in the market.
Case study
Central Bank of Mongolia: Transformation of its entire payments infrastructure
The bank needed a scalable, reliable and trusted solution that could service large volumes of transactions, as well as a vendor that could provide the support required.
Case study
IT Consultants Limited: Advanced electronic payment services in an emerging economy
When IT Consultants Limited’s business began to grow and mature, and its existing system was only able to cope with a relatively small volume of transactions, it decided a solution that was scalable and future-proof was essential.
Case study
City Bank: Staying one step ahead of the Bangladesh banking market with new processing centre
When City Bank’s existing software solution could no longer meet the growing requirements and volumes of bank’s business, it needed an in-house processing centre scalable for future growth.